What is the Governor Waiting For? More Deaths? A Picture in a Newspaper?

The California Department of Public Health and Governor Gavin Newsom have known since at least March 9, 2020, that California’s long-term care facilities were a big problem for COVID-19.

The Los Angeles Times reported on May 8 that, “Nearly half of all deaths related to COVID-19 in California are linked to elder care facilities. With the state releasing new data suggesting that there have been many more outbreaks than previously disclosed.”

Why hasn’t Gov. Newsom started testing all nursing home patients and employees?

It is now May 13 and the governor still is indicating that we are two weeks away from statewide testing.

All it took was a picture in a newspaper, and three days later Gov. Newsom shut down all Orange County beaches. What will it take for the governor to order testing for all nursing homes?

If photos are what it takes to move the governor, then all the anguished families that have loved ones in these facilities should send him photos of their aged and infirm loved ones, right away.

How many more people living and working in nursing homes have to contract COVID-19 and die during the next two weeks while the governor is waiting to start his statewide testing?
